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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Lead Generation?

Lead Generation is the process of targeting prospects for the purpose of selling them a Business Solution. The beginning phase of the Sales Process, which covers the outreach and initial contact phase, is called Lead Generation.

Is Lead Generation Worth it?

If business growth through increasing Sales results is a priority for your business, Lead Generation is likely worth the expense.

There are two ways to grow a business.

the first option is to increase the amount of money your existing customers are spending with you. For example, you could add a new product line or offer complimentary services.

The second option is to add new customers to the business. This requires some form of Lead Generation to be implemented.

In short, the expense of Lead Generation is likely worth it to attract the new customers and revenue opportunities they bring with them.

How is a Qualified Lead Generated?

Qualified Leads are generated through the Business Development process. By using a series of contact methods at the proper intervals of time, a connection with a Prospect is made. Qualifying questions are asked once the Prospect begins interacting with the Sales Team. As a result, the questions will help establish if there is an opportunity to sell your solution to the prospect.

How do Companies Generate Leads?

There are many methods for generating Sales Leads. However, some are more common than others.

For Example:

  1. Cold Calling a targeted list of Prospects
  2. Hosting Webinars and collecting Registrant Information
  3. Automated Chat Bots on the Company Website
  4. Email Campaigns

Interest can be determine once a two-way communication between the Prospect and the Sales Organization occurs Therefore indicating if the sales conversation should progress further.

Once interest is established, the Lead is Generated and Qualifying begins.

Is Lead Generation Sales or Marketing?

Lead Generation can apply to both Sales and Marketing.

Lead Generation for Sales typically sees a individual or team reaching out to the most ideal prospects.Subsequently engaging them in a Sales conversation.

For Marketing, Lead Generation often includes the use of marketing materials (blogs, webinars, etc.) to attract potential prospects to your business.

Each individual Sales Organization must decide which is the correct approach for them. Consequently, many Sales Organizations leverage both methods of Lead Generation to drive their business growth.

Is Lead Generation Sales or Marketing?

What is a sales appointment?

Appointment setting is a strategy to bring in new prospects by setting a date on the calendar for your sales team to discuss your product and potentially make a sale. All of this can be done by an outsourced company, so all your sales team has to do is look at their calendar and show up for the appointment.

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